
At this page you will find guidance to use KamuKanta website:

  1. Registration to KamuKanta
  2. How to add your release to Julkaisut ( Releases) page
  3. How to add video links to the Livelava (Live stage)
  4. How to add Youtube- or Vimeo-video to Livelava (Live stage)
  5. How to add your news to Uutiset (News) page

1. Registration to KamuKanta

All folk music and folk dance creators or actors on the field can register to KamuKanta and use the services. At the moment you can add videos to Livelava (live stage), but later also create for example profile for you band, add news to the newsfeed or events open for public to the calendar. If you live abroad you need to be working with Finnish living heritage. If you live in Finland you need to be doing folk music or world music what ever kind or working with living heritage in Finland.


  1. Klick the ”Rekisteröidy”(Register) button at the top.
  2. ”Käyttäjätunnus” (Username): Enter your first and last name or the name of the entity you represent as a username without spaces or special characters. The maximum length of the username is 34 characters. Write down the ID for yourself.
  3. ”Sähköpostiosoite” (Email): Enter your email address.
  4. Press the “Rekisteröidy” (Register) button. A registration confirmation will be emailed to you (Message titel: ”Rekisteröidyit sivustolle: KamuKanta”). You will receive another message later, where you find a link to set your password, once your account has been approved by the administrator. The second message comes with the titel: ”Käyttäjätunnuksesi on hyväksytty:” and by klicking the longer link you will able set your password for the site.
  5. Check your spam box for messages. The administration accepts new registrations mainly during office hours from 8 am to 4 pm.

2. How to add your release to Julkaisut (Releases) page

Anyone in the field of folk music and folk dance can register to the KamuKanta website and add their release (CD, DVD, book, webjournal) to the site.

All the CD’s added during the year will take part to the Folk music CD of the year -voting, which is ogranised by the Kansanmusiikki magazine and -site in the end of every year. The winner will be announced at the Folklandia cruise.


  1. Log in to the site (Button ”Kirjaudu” at the top). If you don’t have an account yet, see step 1 for instructions on registration.
  2. Click the ”Omat tiedot” (Own information) button at the top.
  3. In the new view, click the ”Ilmoita uusi julkaisu” (Add new release)
  4. Enter the information requested on the form
    1. Choose CD when you have what ever form of recording: CD, LP, digital, cassette…
  5. Finally, click the “Lisää julkaisu” (Add the release) button.

3. How to add video links to the Livelava (Live stage)

Anyone in the field of folk music and folk dance can register to the KamuKanta website and add video links to live streams and videos of folk music and folk dance to the Livelava (live stage). The video can be a concert, a song, a workshop, etc.


  1. Log in to the site (Button ”Kirjaudu” at the top). If you don’t have an account yet, see step 1 for instructions on registration.
  2. Click the ”Ilmoita tapahtuma/video” (Add event/video) button at the top.
  3. Enter the information requested on the form as follows:
    1. Nimi (Name of the event/video) oblicatory
    2. Alkamisaika (Date, the release date for the video) oblicatory, Klo (Time for the event)
    3. Videon osoite (address for the video) If the video is on Youtube or Vimeo, paste the video code beginning with “<iframe…” into “Videon osoite”. Otherwise, provide the video address (www…). See step 3 below for more detailed instructions about iframe.
    4. Videon sijainti (the location of the video). Here ”Muu” means Other.
    5. Tyyppi (class) is our event / video more like/from ”tapahtuma” (event) or ”koulutus” (workshop)
    6. Kategoria (category) is our event / video related to ”kansanmusiikki” (folk music) or ”kansantanssi” (folk dance). You can also choose both.
    7. Onko sisältö tarkoitettu lapsille? (Is the content intended for children?) Check the box if it is.
    8. Kuvaus (Description) You can write this in English. It is recommended that you also add short descriptions to the Briefly in English (this can be in Finnish instead) and Kort på Svenska (Briefly in Swedish) sections so that those looking for content in these languages ​​can also find your content.
  4. Finally, click the “Ilmoita tapahtuma” (Send) button.

4. How to add Youtube- or Vimeo-video to Livelava (Live stage)

Youtube and Vimeo videos can be embedded in KamuKanta’s event profile. To make this possible, the video must be entered in the “Videon osoite” (videos address) field with an Embed format code beginning with “<iframe…”.

Get the code for your Youtube video

  1. Select the video you want to share, go to the video page
  2. Select ”Share” from the video information
  3. From the available distribution methods, select “Embed” and copy the entire code beginning with “<iframe…” to “Videon osoite” (videos address) on the KamuKanta’s event form

Get the code for your Vimeo video

  1. Select the video you want to share, go to the video page
  2. Select ”Share” from the video information
  3. From the available distribution methods, select “Embed” and copy the entire code beginning with “<iframe…” to “Videon osoite” (videos address) on the KamuKanta’s event form
    NB! On the Vimeo pages, there is no need to change the settings for “Show options”.

5. Add news to the News page

Anyone in the field of folk music and folk dance can register to the KamuKanta website and add their own news to this site.


  1. Log in to the site (Button ”Kirjaudu” at the top). If you don’t have an account yet, see step 1 for instructions on registration.
  2. Click the ”Omat tiedot” (Own information) button at the top.
  3. In the new view, click the ”Kirjoita uutinen” (Write news)
  4. Fill in the required fields.
    1. Otsikko = title
    2. Sisältö = content
    3. Shortly in English
    4. Kort på Svenska = Shortly in Swedish
    5. Kuva = picture
    6. Linkitä tekijäprofiili = Select a profile. The news is listed in the own information of that profile, and as public information it is visible to everyone by whom the news has been added to the page.
  5. The English and Swedish translations will be listed in KamuKanta’s English and Swedish sections.
  6. Finally, click the ”Lisää uutinen” button. (Add news)