Kellokoski, Riku-Pekka: Yksinäinen vuori


Riku-Pekka on Rääkkylästä lähtöisin oleva muusikko ja kanteleensoittaja, joka häärii erilaisissa yhteyksissä musiikkityylien rajapinnoilla.

"This album is dedicated to all those who love and make good thoughts come true"

Yksinäinen Vuori is a solo debut album of finnish composer and kantele artist Riku-Pekka Kellokoski. Only using one kantele and live electronics he makes wholesome solo compositions with cinematic elements, a bit of ambient and various influences from minimalism to more archaic approach.

Eight tracks of solo experiments form a line from history to this day; it's all about being here respecting the traditions yet same time reaching out for impulses from tomorrow. Inspired by themes of existentialism "Yksinäinen Vuori" is a moment of being something in our continuum.

Riku-Pekka Kellokoski - kantele, live electronics
All music composed by Riku-Pekka Kellokoski