Vainaan perua: Satavuotinen sakka


Vainaan perua: Satavuotinen sakka nostaa arkistohaudoista kylällisen riivattuja pelimanneja. Heidän ikivanhaan ulottuva tekijyytensä yhdistyy Emilia Lajusen omaan ilmaisuun, jonka sähköistää Eero Grundström, Lajusen soittokumppani kahden vuosikymmenen ajalta.

Shortly in English

Legacy of the Dead: Deep in the Dregs Legacy of the Dead: Deep in the Dregs raises a whole village full of possessed fiddlers from their archival graves. Their age-old craft is combined with Emilia Lajunen’s unique style and electrified by Eero Grundström, Lajunen’s musical partner of two decades. In the old days people lived slow and indulged in quiet raptures. This music reaches towards that world through centuries of forgotten tales. Because of the distance, we must give music our imagination, and, above all, our time.