GMC Living Room Session: How can we make Finland a better place for musicians?


Maailman musiikin keskus järjestää keskustelutilaisuuden maanantaina 20.6., jossa kartoitetaan ja kuunnellaan muusikoiden tarpeita ja ajatuksia Suomen musiikkikentän tilasta, moninaisuudesta ja haasteista, ja pohditaan, kuinka voisimme tehdä siitä paremman paikan muusikoille. Ääneen pääsevät muusikot, joiden äidinkieli on joku muu kuin suomi. Tilaisuudessa keskustellaan siitä, kuinka erityisesti muualta Suomeen muuttaneet muusikot kokevat musiikkikentän mahdollisuudet Suomessa. Tapahtuma alkaa manageri Minna Huuskosen esitelmällä “How to build an international career” ja jatkuu ”How can we make Finland a better place for musicians?” -paneelikeskustelulla, jossa ääneen pääsevät muusikot ja musiikkialan ammattilaiset Iara Dias, NaharY, Barbaro El Urbano Vargas sekä Natalia Castrillón. Paneelikeskustelua moderoi muusikko ja tuottaja Julia Palmu. Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen ja avoin kaikille. Yleisöllä on mahdollisuus osallistua keskusteluun ja esittää kysymyksiä. Paikalle mahtuu 25 kuuntelijaa. Ilmoittautuminen ennakkoon 15.6. mennessä tämän linkin kautta Tapahtumapaikkana toimii Maailman musiikin k eskus Helsingin Kalliossa osoitteessa Hämeentie 34 D 00530 Helsinki. Yhteistyössä Kansan Sivistysrahasto KSR:n kanssa. TIMETABLE 17.00 Presentation: “How to build an international career” by Minna Huuskonen The presentation gives an overview of how to pursue an international career in the global music market; how to plan it, what it requires, and how to make sure you will be on top of the game. The topic will be spiced with some concrete examples and advice. About Minna Huuskonen: 18.00 Discussion: How can we make Finland a better place for musicians? With the panelists: Barbaro El Urbano Vargas, Iara Dias, Natalia Castrillón and NaharY. Moderator: Julia Palmu.

Shortly in English

The Global Music Centre is hosting a discussion event aimed at listening to musicians. The aim to find out about their needs and thoughts concerning the state of the music field in Finland, about diversity, challenges and how to make Finland a better place for musicians. We’ll hear from musicians with native languages other than Finnish and discuss how immigrant musicians in particular see opportunities in the Finnish music scene. The event begins with a presentation by manager Minna Huuskonen entitled “How to build an international career” and continues with a panel discussion on the theme of ”How can we make Finland a better place for musicians”. Featured in the panel discussion will be musicians and music business professionals Iara Dias, NaharY, Barbaro Urbano Vargas and Natalia Castrillón. The moderator is musician and producer Julia Palmu. The location is the Global Music Centre at Hämeentie 34 D in Helsinki’s Kallio district. The event will be held in English and is open to anyone. The audience will have a chance to ask questions and take part in the discussion. There is space for 25 attendees. Please register by June 15 via this link: In collaboration with Kansan Sivistysrahasto KSR/People´s Cultural Fund TIMETABLE 17.00 Presentation: “How to build an international career” by Minna Huuskonen The presentation gives an overview of how to pursue an international career in the global music market; how to plan it, what it requires, and how to make sure you will be on top of the game. The topic will be spiced with some concrete examples and advice. About Minna Huuskonen: 18.00 Discussion: How can we make Finland a better place for musicians? With the panelists: Barbaro El Urbano Vargas, Iara Dias, Natalia Castrillón and NaharY. Moderator: Julia Palmu. Barbaro El Urbano Vargas is a rap artist originally from Havana, Cuba, and currently based in Helsinki. Iara Dias is an Author, Entrepreneur, Musician, Product Manager, Consultant and Metaverse Producer at Decentraland. Natalia Castrillón is a harp performer, singer, improviser, and educator interested in sharing the sound of the lever harp in any context. NaharY is an Angolan-born Finnish rapper who combines Afrobeats with Finnish rap in a fresh, original way. He released his El Patron EP in 2019 and has collaborated with artists including Seksikäs-Suklaa, Puppa J, Opa and Toinen Kadunpoika. Julia Palmu is a singer-songwriter, dj, and a cultural producer working internationally in the music industry.