Pippuri soikoon!

New children music with a Northern Carelian orchestra, covering music styles from traditional folk music to blues and rock, and instruments from kantele and jew’s harp to saxophones. […]

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Kaiku: Usva

Kaiku is a world music ensemble based in New York City, led by two Finnish vocalists – Paula Jaakkola and Jaana Kantola. Their warm and romantic voices lend themselves gracefully to the breezy, vocal pop harmonies that are sung primarily in Finnish.  […]

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Anna-Karin Korhonen & Timo Alakotila: Koralli

Anna-Karin Korhonen and Timo Alakotila play their own compositions and arrangements on piano, both as duo and solo. The piano is not the most common instrument when it comes to contemporary folk music, but its possibilities are nearly unlimited. […]

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GPV: Trombi7708

GPV is Eero Grundström (piano, harmonium), Sara Puljula (bass) and Antti Vuorenmaa (electric guitar), a folk ensemble taking influences from modern classical music as well as free jazz. […]

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Sattuma: Kinofilmi

Sattuma is one of the most well-known folk ensembles from Russian Carelia, a family group, where music goes from fathers to children. Sattuma plays new folk – both traditional tunes and own music. They sing in Finnish, Carelian and several Russian dialects. […]

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