Pekko Käppi: Vuonna ’86

Pekko Käppi jumps from archaic Fenno-Ugrian feel towards the core of Finnish underground music. Instruments such as pyngyr, jouhikko and jew’s harp meets electronics. […]

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The Songs of the Finnish Kaale

A compilation of Finnish Roma songs, edited by Kai Åberg and Risto Blomster. The 17 songs are recorded in Northern Carelia 1995-2009. The cd includes a 16 page leaflet with much information in English. […]

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Nordik Tree: Contradans

The Nordic super trio Nordik Tree (Timo Alakotila, harmonium; Arto Järvelä, fiddle and octave mandolin; Hans Kennemark, fiddle, viola) has released their second album. Besides the Nordic treasure of melodies they play own compositions as well. Waltzes, marches, true polskas, not forgetting the more complex rhythmics. […]

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Seuratansseja 2

Seuratansseja 2 is the second cd in the Seuratansseja series and contains the music to 22 dances described in Une Melkos book with the same name. […]

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