Exchange student Anna’s concert is a celebration of her time spent within Sibelius’ folk department. Hailing from Scotland, where she studies Traditional Music at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Anna has spent the last five months at Sibelius Academy, immersing herself in the music, song, and dance traditions of Finland. With a deep interest in both Nordic and Celtic folk music, Anna has sought connection between the two traditions, weaving together arrangements of Finnish folk tunes with the Celtic influences of her background resulting in a rich intertwined musical tapestry. Esiintyjät Anna Whiteford, harmonikka Lisätiedot: Jannika Lahin, jannika.lahin@uniarts.fi Kansanmusiikkia Sibelius-Akatemiassa 40 vuotta! Soitto, laulu ja tanssi kuuluvat kaikille! Kansanmusiikin taidetta, pedagogiikkaa ja tutkimusta tuovat vuoden aikana esiin niin aineryhmän opiskelijat, opettajat, alumnit kuin emerituksetkin. Seuraa juhlavuoden viestintää koulutusohjelman sosiaalisen median kanavista. Tervetuloa osallistumaan, kuuntelemaan, keskustelemaan ja juhlistamaan kansanmusiikin yliopistokoulutuksen merkkivuotta!
Shortly in English
Exchange student Anna’s concert is a celebration of her time spent within Sibelius’ folk department. Hailing from Scotland, where she studies Traditional Music at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Anna has spent the last five months at Sibelius Academy, immersing herself in the music, song, and dance traditions of Finland. With a deep interest in both Nordic and Celtic folk music, Anna has sought connection between the two traditions, weaving together arrangements of Finnish folk tunes with the Celtic influences of her background resulting in a rich intertwined musical tapestry. Performers Anna Whiteford, accordion More information: Jannika Lahin, jannika.lahin@uniarts.fi 40 years of folk music at the Sibelius Academy! Music, song and dance belong to everyone! The art, pedagogy and research of folk music will be highlighted throughout the year by students, teachers, alumni and emeriti. Follow the anniversary communication on the Folk Music Department’s social media channels. Welcome to participate, listen, discuss and celebrate with us!