Come Dance, it’ll be Rate Grand! Come along and have a dance at Robbie Sherratt’s folk master’s recital. There’ll be social dances like waltzes, schottisches and mazurkas along with a couple of ceilidh dances. Fiddle and vocals will guide your steps with new music written especially for the occasion. Kansanmusiikkia Taideyliopistosta Kansanmusiikkia Taideyliopistosta -konsertit ovat sarja Sibelius-Akatemian Kansanmusiikin aineryhmän tutkintokonsertteja. Aineryhmän opiskelijat lähestyvät esityksissään kansanmusiikkia erilaisista näkökulmista. Konserttien sisällöt ja ideat kumpuavat niin vanhoista runoista ja perinteestä, henkilökohtaisista havainnoista ja tunteista, kuin oman musiikillisen matkan varrella tapahtuneista muutoksista. Vuosittain järjestettävissä konserttikokonaisuuksissa pääsee kurkistamaan kansanmusiikin nykyhetkeen ja nauttimaan musiikista kaikin aistein mitä erilaisimmin kokoonpanoin ja instrumentein tarjoiltuna.
Shortly in English
Come Dance, it’ll be Rate Grand! Come along and have a dance at Robbie Sherratt’s folk master’s recital. There’ll be social dances like waltzes, schottisches and mazurkas along with a couple of ceilidh dances. Fiddle and vocals will guide your steps with new music written especially for the occasion. The Folk Music from the University of the Arts Helsinki concerts are a series of degree concerts by the Folk Music department of the Sibelius Academy. The students in the department approach folk music from different perspectives in their performances. The contents and ideas of the concerts stem from old poems and traditions, personal perceptions and feelings, as well as changes that have taken place along your own musical journey. In the annual concert series, you can get a glimpse into the present of folk music and enjoy the music with all your senses, served in the most varied ensembles and instruments.