Pekka Jalkanen, Heikki Laitinen, Anna-Liisa Tenhunen: Kantele

At last a broad info package about the Finnish national instrument, the kantele! The Kantele-book covers the history of the kantele, from Väinämöinen to the electric kantele. Also information about, for example Elias Lönnrot as instrument builder, about the kantele in different regions, about the kantele music by contemporary composers… Read thepresentation of the book […]

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Pentikäinen Pekka (toim.): Kamupolska

The Kamupolska book is made above all for music classes, music schools and different folk music groups, who are looking for repertoire suitable both for beginners and more experienced players. The book offers ready-made arrangements of the tunes. […]

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Enon puimuri

Childrens songs by Pentti Rasinkangas arranged for folk music groups. The arrangements by Ville Ojanen are suitable for both children and adults. […]

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